Wellness Speaks Podcast 

Access the archives of The Wellness Speaks Podcast, with hosts Jade Arellano and Shawna Kunselman. 

Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

Episode 024: Wellness Speaks with Kate Mercer of Lucky Iron Fish

Iron deficiency affects over 200 million people worldwide- and this includes those of us living in developed nations like the U.S., the UK, Western Europe and Australia. Lucky Iron Fish, a certified B-Corp, created a sustainable, easy to use solution for anyone experiencing iron deficiency. Part of their mission is to put a fish in every pot, and for every Lucky Iron Fish purchased they will donate one to a family in need. Tune in to learn how you can receive 15% off your Lucky Iron Fish! https://luckyironfish.com/ Instagram: @luckyironfish

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

023: Wellness Speaks With James Swanwick

James Swanwick is an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, speaker, former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN and host of The James Swanwick Show podcast. He is the creator of the blue-light blocking glasses Swannies from Swanwick Sleep, which helps people sleep better; and the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge, which helps people reduce or quit alcohol. Forbes magazine voted him one of the Top 25 Networking Experts.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

022: Wellness Speaks About the Female Cycle

Millions of women suffer from PMS--premenstrual syndrome--with the typical cramps, headaches, bloating, mood swings...but IS this normal??? Are we really doomed to feel this way every month? Or could it be something that is off balance that we can get back to balance? Join us to find out how you can help balance hormones and feel like YOU all month long.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

021: Wellness Speaks With Emily Prentice of Early Roots

Emily Prentice is a Neuro-Development Delay Therapist with Early Roots. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the table in this episode, helping us to understand why the development of reflexes is important not just in infancy, but in utero as well. We discuss what can happen when reflexes aren't developed properly, as well as what happens when infant reflexes are retained. Emily can be reached at emily.m.roper@gmail.com, or visit her website at www.earlyrootstherapy.com to find out more information.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

020: Wellness Speaks with Kevin Schuetz of Koda CrossFit

Kevin Schuetz is the owner and head coach of the Norman, Oklahoma location of Koda CrossFit. We talk CrossFit, community, clean eating, and functional fitness in this episode. Kevin weighs in on how he feels diet affects daily life and athletic training, why he loves CrossFit and the the community surrounding it, and why it might be a good implementation for your wellness journey.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

019: Wellness Speaks About Clean Air

Did you know the air inside your home can be 2 to 5 times more polluted and toxic than the air outside? Tune in to learn how you can purify your indoor air, and learn Jade and Shawna's tips for keeping your air clean for the long haul.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

018: Wellness Speaks About Skin Care

The skin care products we use throughout an entire day can contain over 700 different toxins, and they are absorbed at a rate of 64%-100%, depending on where on the body they are placed! Big Cosmo likes to use tricky names to hide these toxins in plain site, but we help you decipher the terminology and share some of our favorite clean beauty brands.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

017: Wellness Speaks About Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity can affect people on both large and small scales. If you're suffering daily from seemingly mild symptoms like headaches, wheezing, sneezing, burning eyes, and eczema, it might be due to the hundreds of toxic chemicals you're exposed to through VOC's in your housepaint, fragrance from your perfume, or toxins in your spring rain scented fabric softener.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

016: Gut Friendly Foods

We're listing off some gut friendly foods to help repair the gut lining and improve gut health! tune in to hear Jade and Shawna's favorite brands of ferments, best bone broths, and yummy yogurts!

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

013: Wellness Speaks About Cold & Flu Natural Remedies

With flu season still going strong and the flu shot reported to only be 10% effective this year, more people than usual are searching for better ways to fight it off. Learn how herbs, homeopathics, antioxidants, and even run of the mill supplements can help you build and boost your immune system.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

011: Wellness Speaks About Essential Oils

Essential Oils have grown in popularity even in the mainstream sector in the last 10 years, and you can find them in everything from diffuser blends to body care products.In this episode, we talk essential oil safety and share some of our favorites and their therapeutic uses.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

008: Wellness Speaks About ADHD

In this episode, we discuss alternatives to ADHD medication, as well as taking a new perspective in regards to the expectations we have of children.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

006: Wellness Speaks About Mindset

Approximately 135 million Americans make New Years Resolutions each January 1st, but almost 80% of them have given up by February. In this minisode we discuss ways you can get your mind right in order to accomplish all your goals.

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