Consistency is Always Better Than Perfection

Every person progresses at a different pace. Your symptoms or diagnoses didn’t happen overnight, and it often takes time to reverse health patterns and heal the body. I am here to equip and encourage you on your journey, every step of the way. 

  • Onboard

    The first step is becoming familiar with the patient portal. This is where all of our communication takes place. It is safe and secure [HIPAA compliant], so we can instant message and share documents, videos, links, etc. Before your first appointment, you will fill out several intake forms so I can understand your current situation, including dietary intake, dietary needs, medications, diagnoses, exposures, and what you hope to achieve by working together.

  • Labs

    I am a firm believer in the accuracy and depth of insight provided through lab work. All of my patients’ complete bloodwork and an HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis). Once we receive these results, I can set up your supplement protocol, as it’s highly individualized based on your current biological needs. We repeat these labs several times throughout your journey so that we can continue monitoring your progress and keep your protocol current. We also have the ability to run a variety of labs, so if you have a specific request or need, we can usually accommodate.

  • Customized Health Protocols

    With our communication firmly in place and a detailed understanding of your health, we will meet to talk through where you’ve been, where you are currently, and where you want to go. I will customize your health plan with step-by-step guidance to start moving you forward. This plan will include dietary changes, supplements, movement/exercise recommendations, sleep and stress management therapies, so that you can start to heal your body from the inside out.

  • Doctor Partnership for Medication Needs

    If you are currently on thyroid medication, you have the option of utilizing Dr. Zalzlala’s expertise for your prescription medication needs. His recommendations are based on lab results as well as symptom assessments. If we discover through lab work that your body needs medication, you have access to Dr. Z through our collaborative partnership.

  • Ongoing Support

    Based on the support you determine you need, you can choose from weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly check-ins. As you progress towards better health and wellness, you may need to increase or decrease the frequency of support. I strive to work in step with the needs and comfort level of each client, so we discuss this and make updates at 6 or 9-month marks in your journey as needed.

  • Celebrating Progress

    I’m here to guide you every step of the way by listening, learning, and updating your protocols to your optimum health. Consistency is always better than perfection, and as long as you do your part we will be able to measure your progress, using a combination of symptom assessments, check-ins, and lab reports. Together, we can shape realistic expectations, measure change, and celebrate your progress!