Here To Guide You On The Path Towards Feeling Better

Origins Nutritional Therapy is led by Jade Arellano, MS, CNS. She has partnered with Dr. Zalzala to help her clients manage their thyroid medication. Jade’s uniquely individualized supplement and lifestyle protocols coupled with a medicinal approach to thyroid care allow her clients to take control of their health and feel better.

Jade Arellano, MS, CNS

Jade Arellano is an authority in the field of medical nutritional therapy as it applies to autoimmune diseases. She creates targeted, personalized treatment plans to transform health and place autoimmune disorders in remission by guiding and educating her clients as they move along their wellness journey together.

Jade Holds a B.S. in Medical Science, M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition, and the coveted post-graduate Certified Nutrition Specialist designation, and has become a sought-after holistic health practitioner. She has had the pleasure of training under Dr. Sajad Zalzala, a leader in the field of functional medicine, telehealth, and longevity, and recognized expert in the utilization of Low-Dose Naltrexone. Jade has also apprenticed under Dr. Karen Merveldt-Guevara, a highly esteemed specialist in the realm of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, and earned her HTMA Masters Certificate through Kendra Perry’s HTMA Training.

Through the utilization of a thorough health evaluation including lab work, intake forms, and high-touch one-to-one discussion, Jade tailors comprehensive therapies that uniquely apply to each client. Thinking beyond precisely monitored prescriptions for nutritional supplements, botanicals, and food therapy, Jade prescribes movement plans and lifestyle changes to address the bio-individuality of each client as a whole.  Fine-tuning each of these modalities allows her to guide clients toward a healthy and vivacious life.

Dr. Sajad Zalzala

Dr. Zalzala (or “Dr. Z”) is renowned in the world of functional medicine as an expert in autoimmune disorders and chronic inflammation. He is widely recognized as an authority in telehealth since 2013.

He works behind the scenes at Origins, advising Jade regarding lab orders and interpretations, as well as stepping in when patients request management of their thyroid medication. He is the founder of LDN Direct where he provides direct-to-patient consultations for Low Dose Naltrexone, and AgelessRx, where he offers biohacking services to those looking to increase their longevity.

Dr. Z is licensed in all 50 states affording him the ability to treat patients regardless of their location in the U.S. Dr. Z also served as Chairman of the 2016 and 2019 conferences for the International College of Integrative Medicine, sharing his exceptional knowledge with other practitioners.

What is a Certified Nutrition Specialist?


We are in a period of seismic transformation in human health, with nutrition at its epicenter. The message from the science is profound and clear: nutrition is the single most powerful determinant of our health.

Certified Nutrition Specialists (CNSs) are advanced nutrition professionals. CNSs engage in science-based medical nutritional therapy, research, education, and more. They practice in diverse settings such as clinics, private practices, hospitals, industry, academia, and the community.

CNSs have completed a rigorous advanced degree that includes industry-leading experience, examination, and continuing education requirements. The CNS certification is held by clinical nutritionists, physicians, and other professionals with a specialty in nutrition.