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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

Maximizing Sun Safety and Vitamin D Production

While sunlight is essential for our bodies to produce vitamin D, it's crucial to balance sun exposure with adequate protection to prevent skin damage and maintain optimal health. In this guide, we'll explore how to safely gauge sun exposure, the factors affecting vitamin D production, and strategies for maintaining healthy vitamin D levels throughout the year.

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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

The Role of Liver Support and Bile Flow in SIBO Treatment

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a complex digestive disorder that can manifest in various ways, and understanding the differences between its two primary types—hydrogen and methane—is crucial for effective management.

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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

Empowering SIBO Recovery: The Vital Role of Binders Revealed

Recently, a client diagnosed with SIBO shared her journey, underscoring the transformative impact of integrating binders into her treatment plan. Having initially been diagnosed and treated solely with antimicrobials by a previous practitioner, she faced persistent flu-like symptoms. However, a pivotal shift occurred when we introduced binders, marking the turning point in her recovery.

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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

Mini-Blog: Can excessive exercise affect your hormones?

The endocrine system is responsible for producing and regulating hormones that control numerous physiological processes in the body. Excessive exercise can have significant effects on the endocrine system, leading to dysregulation of various hormone

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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

The Exercise-Hormone Connection: Finding the Goldilocks Zone

The endocrine system is responsible for producing and regulating hormones that control numerous physiological processes in the body. Excessive exercise can have significant effects on the endocrine system, leading to dysregulation of various hormones.

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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

The Immune-Gut-Hormone Connection

The intricate relationship between the immune, gut, and hormonal systems forms a vital axis that significantly impacts our overall health and well-being.

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Jade Arellano Jade Arellano

When Inflammation Becomes a Problem

Inflammation is a natural and vital part of the body's immune response. When tissues are injured or exposed to harmful pathogens, the immune system activates to defend against potential threats. Inflammation helps to isolate and eliminate these threats while promoting tissue repair.

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