Understanding the 4LOWS Pattern on an HTMA

A 4LOWS pattern is a state of depletion that occurs when the body's 4 major minerals- Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium- are all low. 

Understanding What 4LOWS Means

A 4LOWS pattern occurs slowly over time, under a multitude of factors. This pattern is treated differently than other mineral patterns on a first HTMA because the 4 major minerals involved must be improved and the 4LOWS pattern resolved before any other issues such as copper toxicity or heavy metal toxicity.

When this pattern appears on a first test, it usually indicates a stage of extreme burnout. This is due to its connections with adrenal fatigue and chronic stress.

Adrenal Function: The adrenal glands play a crucial role in responding to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Chronic stress can lead to dysregulation of the adrenal glands, potentially resulting in adrenal fatigue or exhaustion. This exhaustion can affect the body's ability to maintain adequate levels of minerals like sodium and potassium, contributing to the 4Lows pattern.

Electrolyte Imbalance: Sodium and potassium are essential electrolytes involved in fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Chronic stress and adrenal fatigue can disrupt the balance of these electrolytes, leading to lower levels observed in HTMA results.

Mineral Loss: Prolonged stress can deplete minerals such as magnesium and calcium from the body as the body utilizes these minerals to cope with stress responses. This depletion can manifest as lower levels of these minerals in HTMA tests, contributing to the 4Lows pattern.

Systemic Impact: Chronic stress and burnout can have widespread effects on various bodily systems, including the endocrine system, immune system, and nervous system. These effects can influence mineral metabolism and absorption, further contributing to the observed mineral imbalances.

Symptomatology: Individuals experiencing burnout often report symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, mood disturbances, and cognitive difficulties, which can be associated with mineral imbalances reflected in the 4Lows pattern.

How to Reverse 4LOWS

While it might seem simple to reverse this pattern by repleting Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium, this is much easier said than done. While improving these levels is the end goal, getting there may take some creative strategy.

It’s not uncommon for an individual in a 4LOWS pattern to have digestive issues, including low stomach acid and malabsorption. This may be one of the contributing factor to the development of the 4lOWS pattern to begin with. Improving gut health, digestive enzyme levels, and stomach acid levels is part of resolving this pattern.

Dietary factors also contribute- long term veganism and vegetarianism can contribute to a 4LOWS pattern developing, as can a Standard American Diet. Addressing these concerns is also part of a good mineral balancing program, as you cannot out supplement a deficient diet.

Stress is a major factor when it comes to depletion of minerals. Chronic stress will lower stomach acid levels, which in turn lowers the ability to extract minerals from food. Chronic stress also severely depletes magnesium and calcium as these minerals are utilized during the modulation of a stress response. If stress levels are not addressed within a mineral balancing program, levels will take a long time to rise to optimal, if they ever do.

Chronic Insomnia also depletes mineral levels as well as inflaming the gut. Working to improve not only quantity of sleep but also quality and ensuring that deep sleep and the REM stage of sleep are being achieved for optimal time each night is incredibly important not just for overall health but for reversing a 4LOWS mineral pattern.

Heavy metal levels and chronic infections such as SIBO, Lyme, Mold Endotoxins, and reactivated EBV can also lend to a 4LOWS pattern because they can deplete the body so severely of nutrients. Unfortunately, treating severe issues like these while in a 4LOWS will often lead to an exacerbation of symptoms a the body is not strong enough to handle chelation or detoxification, and the immune system is usually in a weakened state. Utilizing something like Low Dose Naltrexone is often a good strategy for those who have underlying issues like this until their mineral levels rise out of 4LOWS and they are strong enough to handle the stress of addressing infection and toxicity.

Symptoms of a 4LOWS Pattern

Some common symptoms I have seen in my clients with a 4LOWS pattern are muscle cramping, tightness, or weakness (due to low calcium, potassium, and magnesium), heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, reactivated EBV, poor immune health, poor focus (often ADD or ADHD) and general cognitive impairment, insomnia, poor digestion, GI distress, IBS or IBD, food sensitivities, GERD or reflux, seasonal allergies or asthma, and feelings of anxiety, irritability, or frustration over things that normally would not cause these feelings.

Does this sound like you?

If you feel like everything you’ve read is describing your current health, it may be time to book an HTMA appointment! I began implementing HTMA with my clients alomost 6 years ago, and I’ve never looked back. The results yielded are always helpful in resolving health issues, the sample collection is easy and painless, and when compared with other functional medicine testing available, HTMA is extremely inexpensive. If you’re not quite ready to book, you can opt for a Discovery Call and we can chat about what might be the best option for you!


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