042: Wellness Speaks With Gordon Pederson About Alkaline Silver

Dr. Gordon Pedersen is highly acclaimed for multiple scientific and medical discoveries.He holds five doctor’s degrees including a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine. He has a Ph.D. from the Toxicology program at Utah State University, where he also has Ph.D. degrees in Immunology and Biology. He is Board Certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and also holds a Masters Degree in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness.

Gordon is a best selling author many times over in the fields of health and wellness.He has conducted studies in Africa and has published what is quite possibly the cure to Malaria. Seeing first hand children close to death returning to school within 5 days, Gordon has an ambition to return to Africa in 2020 and continue the healing of more villages. 

Gordon has spent countless hours reviewing silver information and is frequently called upon as the world’s leading authority on silver as a health tool. He is a Distinguished Speaker for the Special Operations Medical Association and has worked with several National and International governmental organizations on the topic of silver. Dr Gordon has developed his own line of alkaline silver, and he’s joining us today to discuss the multiple ways in which it can be used.

On Facebook @silverdoctor
OnTwitter @mydoctorsuggests
On Instagram @pedersongordon
On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HsAl1yI1WjCrLc4ARGArQ


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041: Wellness Speaks With Dr. Bobby Awadalla About Healthy Skin