Check Out Origin’s Articles 

Searching for research-based information on supplements, functional medicine, and natural health?

Or maybe trying to find a new favorite healthy recipe alternative?

You’ll find everything from long-term protocols for traumatic brain injuries to Jade’s favorite recipe for gluten-free pumpkin pie!

The MIND Diet: Eat Like Your Brain Depends On It!

The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean (MD) and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets. The MIND diet was created in response to clinical findings, from years of past research, looking at the protective effect of certain foods on the brain.

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When Iron Deficiency Isn't About Iron.

Iron deficiency anemia is a prevalent diagnosis in the US. But it is often mischaracterized and treated as a condition influenced only by iron when many other nutrients are often involved.

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Gluten-Free Flour Alternatives

There are a ton of gluten-free flour options available these days, but some flours achieve better results than others depending upon the recipe. If you are trying to reinvent your favorites, it's important to know which gluten-free flours and baking techniques might work best for what you are trying to make.

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How Adrenal Function Influences the Thyroid in Times of Stress

We encounter a variety of stressors daily. This can take a toll on our health and wellbeing, and for some, it can lead to health issues involving our adrenals and thyroid function. How do our bodies handle stress and what can go wrong when it's just too much?

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Unburden Yourself! Ways to Reduce Your Body's Toxic Load

Every day we are exposed to a variety of environmental toxins and this can lead to chronic conditions and symptoms that can negatively impact us. However, there is a lot we can do to keep ourselves healthy. Here are some tips to help you reduce your exposure to environmental toxins.

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Going Gluten Free 101

A guide detailing the foods and products gluten can be found in and tips on how to begin going gluten-free.

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Why Going Gluten-Free May Help With Hashimoto’s

It is not uncommon for people with Hashimoto’s to have Celiac disease and more common still is gluten sensitivity in Hashimoto’s. It may be important to adopt a gluten-free diet if you are struggling with this autoimmune condition.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

Traumatic Brain Injury Protocol

Whether your child is playing high impact contact sports or not, knowing how to effectively offset the downstream cascade of effects from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) should be an essential part of your at home treatment. Secondary to the initial event of TBI is potential secondary damage that results from inflammation, oxidative stress due to fee radicals, chemical imbalances due to cytotoxicity and high calcium influx to neurons, loss of circulation, and insufficient oxygenation. All of these lead to permanent tissue and neuron damage if left unchecked.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

10 Essential Nutrients For Thyroid Health

Feeling tired all the time? Too hot? Too cold? Thinning hair? Constipated? Lots of diarrhea? Unexplained weight gain? Infertility? Brain fog? Depression? Eczema? Low libido?

These, and a number of other seemingly minor symptoms, could indicate you have a thyroid issue. While symptoms alone don’t pinpoint a diagnosis, neither does laboratory work, because it doesn’t tell us WHY your thyroid is acting up.

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Wellness Speaks Wellness Speaks

What the MTHFR?!

Testing for an MTHFR mutation is a bit of a hot topic in the Functional Medicine community lately. With a fairly simple blood draw or saliva sample, your primary care physician can easily test for the C677T or A1298C mutation.

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